Page name: Glacier Falls [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-08-17 04:17:27
Last author: Vou
Owner: Vou
# of watchers: 8
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My dear traveler, you have come upon Glacier Falls.

Entering through the thicket, the sound of rushing water hits you.
The area is crawling with rabbits, mice, deer and all around life. The good-sized waterfall spills itself into a decent sized watering hole
that is untainted by blood. At the bottom, it is clearly visible due to the liquid being crystal clear and sparkling
in it's own way. Mist can be found spewing from where the water crashes
down against the slightly pointed rocks.

Roleplay here.

Go back to The Wolves of Karn.

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2007-08-08 [Lin-tastic]: I hope it's okay that I take away the last four posts and what not...okies?

2007-08-08 [Lin-tastic]: Phantazzm has messaged me about it, okies?

2007-08-08 [Lin-tastic]: I was kinda...out of

2007-08-08 [Lin-tastic]: When I posted what I did...

2007-08-08 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Lets try rearanging instead of deleting. I'll try something.

2007-08-08 [Erubeus]: No, or I'll fucking kick you out. Everything you've been posting about Tasem was either knowing she was on the wrong side of the river over a roaring falls and the smell of fish while at least a good 80 ft up or knowing she bailed on the pack.

2007-08-08 [Lin-tastic]: I'm concerned as to what Athen has posted...wait, is she someone in charge?

2007-08-08 [Erubeus]: Megan said she'd put me back in charge if I wished it, and you know she only lives a few houses away.

2007-08-08 [Lin-tastic]: Actually, I had no idea you two were living in the same neighbor hood...and for the record, my computer hadn't shown me your comment before I posted mine.

2007-08-08 [Erubeus]: Just.. Don't worry about me. Don't worry about what I do or say, kay?

2007-08-08 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Is this better?

2007-08-08 [Lin-tastic]: Athen, I...-chuckles- This is going to sound so mean, but I don't mean it that way, but...I really don't care what you do. I suppose what I'm saying is, I won't worry about it, but I would like to become friends again...

What's coming next is going to sound like something from an RP or some story, goes.

I look back on it, now, and I think Gee! That's a really stupid reason to end a relationship with someone! or something like know?

2007-08-08 [Erubeus]: Meh... -shrugs-

2007-08-08 [Lin-tastic]: I like what you put, Phantom. ^_^ I wouldn't exactly say that's what Lireal said, but yeah.

2007-08-08 [Vou]: Okay, so while we are on the subject of this...

Look, whatever happened between you two, I honestly don't want to hear about it. I understand you both don't see 'eye to eye' but please, leave it out of the roleplay. It is with the respect boundry that I have attempted to establish. Okay?

I am not taking sides, Torface, just so you know that.

2007-08-08 [silent_voice]: Phantazzm, I'm considering leaving this wiki just so you know.

2007-08-08 [Vou]: You are? Why Silent? ;.;

2007-08-08 [silent_voice]: Well firstly the level of posting is like... nearly none, and secondly, when people post its short! ONE LINE POSTING! Drives me nuts.

2007-08-08 [Vou]: Are they? O.o;; I told them to limit one-liners!! >O

2007-08-08 [silent_voice]: I put all this effort and detail into my post and i get a one liner as a responce, it kinda pisses me off.

2007-08-08 [Lin-tastic]: I post one-liners?

2007-08-08 [Vou]: I have not seen you post one-liners... what Silent means is that putting just one sentence is not enough... At least three would be alright.. that's what I have usually put, but it's only because I'm feeling lazy. XD

2007-08-08 [silent_voice]: Yes well usually when I'm in a rp mood I write a full paragraph per post. DETAIL PEOPLE!

2007-08-08 [Vou]: Phantom... and... :x the one playing Salis.. I forget your name, but please try to... limit one-liners. x.x

2007-08-08 [silent_voice]: Well... and its not really going anywhere... baherhers...

2007-08-08 [Sharky87]: Sowwy!

2007-08-08 [Vou]: I've been trying to get it to where both sides come in contact.. C:

2007-08-08 [Sharky87]: yeah.. I was wondering if my char, Salis, maybe should be 'suicidal' and pick a fight with someone.. XD

2007-08-08 [Vou]: o.O;

2007-08-08 [Sharky87]: What? XD

2007-08-08 [Vou]: ;inches away;

2007-08-08 [Sharky87]: lol.. XD

2007-08-08 [silent_voice]: Hmm well, Hern is being ignored and getting pissed.

2007-08-08 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: Wait he is? O.o

2007-08-08 [silent_voice]: ya

2007-08-08 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: *Glances about* Isn't he still at the den though? Should I bug him? XD

2007-08-08 [Sharky87]: lol.. XD

2007-08-08 [Vou]: They shouldn't be ignoring him. O.o

2007-08-08 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: Hey now! Kor's just trying not to bother him, he seems irritated XD

2007-08-08 [Erubeus]: No, that's just how all his boss characters are.. >>

2007-08-08 [Sharky87]: What anime's that from?

2007-08-08 [Erubeus]: Fruit's Basket.

2007-08-08 [Sharky87]: Aha..aliz keeps bugging me about watching that.. XD

2007-08-08 [Erubeus]: xD

2007-08-08 [Erubeus]: It's hella funny

2007-08-08 [Sharky87]: heh.... I guess I'll watch it...some day.. :P

2007-08-08 [Erubeus]: :)

2007-08-08 [Lin-tastic]: Hmmm...Shouldn't Salis and Nienna be in Niveus Territory when they post that?

2007-08-08 [Sharky87]: Sowwy-. XD I dont know where I

2007-08-09 [Lin-tastic]: Don't worry about it! XD

2007-08-10 [Vou]: I'm moving Salis' post to Niveus Territory, where Lireal and Vatheris are... looking for them. x)

2007-08-10 [Silas the Albino]: Oh that makes sense^^I was just getting ready to post after Salis but then it wasn't there and I was confused

2007-08-10 [Vou]: XD
Ooooh.. and tell the person playing Randin, that soon he'll have to join the roleplay.

2007-08-10 [Silas the Albino]: Um. I'm Randin^^

2007-08-10 [Silas the Albino]: And yes I just posted

2007-08-10 [Sharky87]: Silas..I miss my little birdie.. his name was Silas.. ;__;

2007-08-10 [Silas the Albino]: May your birdy rest in peace :{

2007-08-10 [Sharky87]: Thanks...

2007-08-10 [Erubeus]: Pyro kind of isn't here.. He's in Orinthos Territory...

2007-08-10 [AdeloriaAshcroft]: I see that >.> *Deletes post and goes to follow Athen* XD

2007-08-10 [Erubeus]: xD

2007-08-19 [Sharky87]: AAA!! I have no idea where my chars are.. O.O XD

2007-08-20 [Vou]: Oooo... Niveus is in Glacier Falls. C:

2007-08-21 [Lin-tastic]: ...Lireal wasn't hiding, she was laying right behind Vatheris a few feet away in plain sight on the bank.

2007-08-21 [Vou]: He didn't notice her. XD

2007-08-21 [Vou]: There. I fixed it. ^^

2007-08-21 [Lin-tastic]: ^_^ Yep, yep.

2007-08-23 [Erubeus]: Post >>

2007-08-23 [Vou]: Yush. Post. D:

2007-08-24 [Lin-tastic]: -.- I can't be on all the time. I have a bit more of a life offline, you know.

2007-08-24 [Erubeus]: Well, whenm you were on yesterday you weren't posting either.

2007-08-24 [Lin-tastic]: -nods- I had to leave the computer for a bit then when I came back to it, I had to log off to go to practice...^_^"

2007-12-28 [Erubeus]: Translation: "Leave... please... just leave.."

2007-12-31 [Erubeus]: Heh.. You keep putting Kapu, he is Mowgle. :3

2007-12-31 [Atayemi]: xD

2008-01-01 [Swollenfish]: I changed it, >_<

2008-01-01 [Atayemi]: He also considered Kapu's words about the lack of pups in the Orinthos pack, and he was glad to hear that the pack was not doing so well.

2008-01-01 [Swollenfish]: I thought that was Kapu saying that... It doesn't say anywhere that it was Mowgle >.> I'll change it anyway

2008-01-18 [Swollenfish]: Sorry, but I'm not in any rping mood right now... I'll edit later

2008-01-18 [Erubeus]: No worries,

2009-07-15 [Vou]: Should I redo this? D:

2009-07-15 [Erubeus]: It's really up to you.
Do you want to rp on here anymnore?
If so, then sure.
If not, then there's no point.

2009-07-15 [Vou]: I do. I want to start rpg again. 'Tis the only reason why I'm even considering joining Drive and whatnot.

2009-07-15 [Erubeus]: Well, then start it over. But, maybe this time you should invite people to join that will actually reply.

2009-07-15 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: I'm up for it!

2009-07-15 [Atayemi]: Me too. ^^

2009-07-16 [Vou]: ^____^

2009-08-09 [The Dark Wolf]: oh my im so sorry i wasnt able to be on here! may i rejoin? I was Tabby....

2009-08-09 [Rhymes With Orange]: I'd be interested in rejoining whenever this gets started up again :D

2009-08-11 [Vou]: Alright. =]
And yes, you all can re-join. <3

2009-08-12 [Atayemi]: I wanna keep Gurei. :O

2009-08-12 [Vou]: alright <3

2009-08-12 [The Dark Wolf]: thank you. I'm keeping my char too.

2009-08-12 [Rhymes With Orange]: I think I'll keep mine too if that's all right.

2009-08-12 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Ditto

2009-08-16 [Vou]: alright. =]

2009-08-17 [Rhymes With Orange]: So I know my character used to be I think Beta female, but I left so now I need a new position. Is there any specific one you want me to take?

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